The wonderful world of Pinterest

I’m sure I’m not the only person in the world who has a love affair with Pinterest.

Pinterest it great. I could spend hours going through the pages and pages of pins. Clothing. Home decor. Puppies in tea cups. I love it all. When I first got on Pinterest, I was engaged, so of course I used it for bookmarking a lot of wedding ideas. Now that we’re married and I’m “nesting” (home nesting…not like pre-baby nesting) I on a big home decor kick on Pinterest. But my hands down favorite thing about Pinterest is using it for recipe bookmarking.

I am a recipe stockpiler. I used to have folders full of tear outs from cooking magazines (more on that later). I collect cookbooks. I like to have a wide variety of potential recipes to choose from. Prior to Pinterest, I was using One Tsp to organize all my recipes from the web. It was a great site, but you had to input all your recipes individually and couldn’t upload pics easily. Pinterest makes it so much easier — and prettier.

My recipe pinboards
My recipe pinboards

Not pictured: My boards for ice cream, non-baking treats and libations. I may have a problem.

I started off with just one massive Cooking board. But it became such a hassle to scroll through it looking for a specific recipe. So one tedious day, I went through and created separate boards for separate categories. When I’m having people over and need a good appetizer, I go to that board. Going to a potluck brunch? There’s a board for that. It has made it so much easier being able to pinpoint exactly where I should be looking. I have contemplated about breaking it down even further to include boards dedicated solely to poultry, beef and seafood, but for now, I’m avoiding that bout of OCD. I have found this organizing method works wonders for me when I am menu planning for the week.

If you do some quick math, you’ll see I have more than 500 recipes bookmarked on Pinterest. And there are just the ones I haven’t tried. I have a whole board dedicated to recipes I’ve made and deemed successful enough to make again. And I have deleted recipe pins that were deemed “meh.”

When using Pinterest, find what works best for you. I just wanted to share how I do it in case anyone was looking for some organization tips.

How do you organize your Pinterest boards?

P.S. Follow me on Pinterest.

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